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North Launches Meteorology Class

From below sea-level at the Isle of Shoals to the top of Mount Washington, Kate Paraggio has gone the distance to bring the study of meteorology to Nashua High School North.

During the upcoming 2024-2025 academic year, Nashua North will be one of the first high schools in the region to offer a meteorology class as part of its rich and rigorous science curriculum. The class will be focused on weather phenomena and why the world works the way it does.

"I want our kids to be as excited as I am," said Paraggio.

In February, Paraggio was one of the few teachers selected to participate in ": Professional Development for Teachers in Extreme Weather and Climate" at the top of Mount Washington. Before this, she spent a week at the with Cornell University and UNH students and faculty. She continues to develop the curriculum and educate herself and has been accepted to participate in an AMS/NOAA/NASA course entitled ": Sensing, Analyzing, and Forecasting." This course will be held at the National Weather Service Training Center in Kansas City, Missouri this summer.

Paraggio's passion and knowledge have inspired two classes worth of students to sign up for the class in its very first semester. Paraggio expressed gratitude to Principal Nate Burns, Head Science Teacher Cheryl Meesig, as well as her colleagues for the encouragement and support on this new venture.

The offering of this course builds on the rich studies of sciences available at Nashua North including Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Anatomy and Physiology, Forensic Science, AP Science Courses, Intro to Engineering, Principles of Engineering, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Engineering Design and Development, Health Sciences, and Biotechnology and Biomedical Sciences.